Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mexican Breakfast Toast

This super easy breakfast recipe makes me feel like I'm eating breakfast at a five star restaurant in a fancy hotel, but better, because I don't need makeup...or pants. I whip it up in ten minutes and the best part is that it cost close to nothing to make. If you like Huevos Rancheros you will love this simplified version on toast. Fancy breakfast is an essential part of a faking fanci lifestyle. So pour yourself some orange juice on your cheap wine, call it a Mimosa and enjoy your meal.

Let's start by helping you get the ingredients as cheap as possible. Aldi Supermarket is one of my favorite places in the U.S. because it's inexpensive, healthy and small.  Their products are affordable and good quality. All of the ingredients here are from Aldis except the bread. The bread is from Walmart, one of my least favorite places in U.S. But fresh Italian bread for $1.00 is worth the sacrifice.

Mexican Breakfast Toast

Total Time: 10 min
Prep: 5 min
Cook:5 min
Yield:1 servings of 2 toasts


  • 2 slices of your favorite fresh baked bread (a.k.a. bread from the Walmart bakery)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tb of guacamole 
  • 2 tb of salsa (yes, like the one you eat with chips)
  • Shredded cheese 
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Dry basil


  1. Toast the bread and spread some guacamole on it as your base. You could also use slices of fresh avocado. 
  2. Fry eggs to your liking. A perfect not soft not hard works best, but I like mine runny yolk.
  3. Add salt, pepper and basil to liking. If you have fresh basil go for it.
  4. Add a dollop of your favorite salsa on top of the egg.
  5. Top with your favorite shredded cheese.
Done! You can add a little (or a lot) of hot sauce if you wish. Eat it with your hands or with a fork and knife, just make sure to enjoy it.

I wish you an amazing morning full of joy.

I truly wish you all have a wonderful day and lots of good vibes.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Scream Here Aromatherapy Stress Relief Pillow.

If you want to relax grab this pillow, push it against your mouth, scream and then take a deep breath. The lavender and chamomile will help you melt that stress right away. You also don't have to stress about this DIY because it is so easy to make.

Ok, if you are a human being you stress. I've seen kindergardeners stress about their shoes not matching their pants. You get born into this world and BOOM stress hits you in the form of a nurse slapping your ass. Yes, some of us stress more that others but unless you live under a rock you stress, and not even, you would totally be stressing about living under a rock!

For us in Education the beginning of the school year is filled with tears, joy, confusion, uncertainty but above all, STRESS. One of us was having a particularly stressful week so I decided to do something nice for her. A stress relief pack and this pillow was the star of the show.
I added Chamomile tea, Lavender Potpourri and bubble wrap 

Now lets talk about chamomile and lavender. These are two essential oils you need in your life. Their range of usages is amazing and never ending. Chamomile has been proven to not only help you relax but help people with depression and anxiety (read all about it here). Think of all the side effects you can skip. I personally love chamomile tea, its a triple whammy. It helps with my anxiety, sinus problems and migraines. Lavender helps with restlessness, nervousness and insomnia. All symptoms of stress. There are many studies about lavender too, it is proven to decrease anxiety specially in women. Don't over do it and keep in mind that Chamomile and Lavender used as aromatherapy or by mouth may increase the amount of drowsiness when taken in combination with pharmaceutical medications such as benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Valium), narcotics such as codeine, or certain antidepressants. If you’re taking prescription medications, consult with a health care practitioner.

Now lets get to the making. This DIY was super easy, relaxing and kind of fun. I started watching something on Netflix and then went on a sewing trance and everything else disappeared.


- Any fabric

- Scissors

- Thread or fabric glue

- Needle

- Pencil or pen

- Embroidery Floss (a.k.a. friendship bracelet string)

- Yarn needle

- Scraps of fabric or any pillow filling


  • Fold the fabric on itself and cut the desired shape of the pillow allowing about 1/2 inch more to sew or glue on each side. I went for rectangle because it was the easiest. It can be any fabric.
  • Turn and fold the fabric so the design is on the inside and sew or glue leaving a gap in one of the corners. I drew lines as a guide so I wouldn't forget to stop.
  • Turn the fabric inside out, now you should have your basic pillow shape.
  • Draw the words Scream Here with a dotted line. If you mess up you can use acetone and a Qtip to fix it.
  • Sew with the floss following the dotted line. I decided to go with a contrasting color but you can go with more relaxing colors.
  • Soak the filling and pillow with a relaxing spray or make your own by mixing a few drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils in water. I got my Peace Potion Spray at Sears and this is my third bottle. I put it in my pillows and it smells amazing it helps me fake fanci on a spa level. You can get it here.
  • Once dry fill the pillow with the stuffing using the aperture we left. I used fabric scraps because I felt the scent would last longer.
  • Sew the open edge up and you are all done. Now scream!

I hope this helps you relax and be as happy as you can be.

I truly wish you all have a wonderful day and lots of good vibes.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Homemade Carpet Cleaner + Stain and Odor Remover

If you have cats, dogs, kids or a husband (or wife) and carpets you need this DIY homemade carpet cleaner in your life. It's easy, very inexpensive and better than anything I've ever bought. You can thank Mio for the magic spray.
Mio and Chelsea in a staring contest

Once upon a time I had a beautiful cat named Mio. I loved Mio and Mio loved me. He showed me his love by ignoring me, screaming at me when he wanted food and leaving my house every day to be unfaithful with another family down the block. One day Mio decided to show his love like any other dysfunctional partner would, with jealousy.  Jealousy in the form of male cat pee. He peed my husband's DJ controller and case. In case you don't know what that looks like here is a picture:
So many buttons and lights.The controller didn't work after Mio. It took weeks to repair and assemble.

After spending about $100.00 on products and nothing working I Googled and Pinterested for a DIY miracle. I tried several recipes. Some worked for a little while but then the smell came back. Finally I mixed and matched ingredients until something finally worked. The carpet like surface of the case ended up smelling amazing all the time.

Ever since this is my go to for carpet shampoo and removing spots. It doesn't matter if it smells or stains I've managed to remove it with this, even blood. I'm not promising it will get your stain off, or that this will substitute a professional shampoo. I'm simply saying for me it has been a game changer. This spray is also amazing with odors. Pet stains are no match for it either.


- Hydrogen Peroxide 1 cup
- Fabric Softener 1 cup
- Water 1 cup
- Vinegar 1/2 cup
- Blue Dawn 3 tbs.
- Baking Soda 1 cup
- Empty spray bottle


  • Mix the peroxide, fabric softener, water, vinegar and Dawn in the spray bottle.
  • With the baking soda you have two options: sprinkle it on the carpet or mix the ingredients in a big container (like a mopping bucket) and then transfer to a spray bottle. The reason for not including the baking soda directly on the bottle is the same reason science fair volcanos are awesome. It will create a chemical reaction.
  • If you want to shampoo the carpet spray it all over and let it almost dry. How long this takes will depend on how much you saturated the carpet. Mine took about 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum the carpet. If you have a steamer you can add 1 cup of the mix to the hot water.
  • If you have a stain pour baking soda, spray with the mix, clean with a brush, let it stand for 15 minutes and then absorb the excess liquid with a towel.
  • You might have to repeat the process several times depending on how stubborn and/or old the stain is.
  • It has a short shelve live (1 month) because of the chemical reaction needed for it to work. One batch is enough for me to do 1 shampoo to the whole house plus a little extra for stains. 
If you are wondering what happened to Mio he disappeared after we moved to a new home. I spent months calling him and running outside every time I heard something like a meow. I'm pretty sure he went to look for his other family.

I hope this helps some of you with your carpet issues. I know having pet, kids and a clean house is a struggle.

I truly hope you all have a wonderful day and lots of good vibes.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

DIY Word and Arrow Canvas Sign Lake Decoration

This DIY makes you feel like an artist while requiring zero art skills. You can have it say or be anything. If you can print it you can make it. With a home printer and some old school transferring technique the sky is the limit. 

When I got my new house the #1 thing that made me fall in love with this house was that you could see the lake from every single room in the house; living room, kitchen and bedroom. This is when I became lake obsessed and my house (and co-workers) payed the consequences. I saw this amazing canvas on Pinterest from Etsy but at $150.00 plus shipping I couldn't afford it. When my husband was looking at my Lake House board on Pinterest and said "I like that lake sign" it was clear I had to make it. I only had to buy the canvas and found it for $5.00 at Walmart so I saved $145.00 by making it myself plus I got to choose the font and the color I wanted. That my friends is what I call smart. A.K.A. faking fancy.


$150.00 Canvas Art

It took some brainstorming and some trial and error but look how beautiful and cool they look in my kitchen. All that printer ink sacrificed was totally worth it.
Ok lets get to it!


- Canvas (I used two 7 x 14")
- Computer
- Printer
- Printer paper
- Pencil
- Tape
- Scissors 
- Ruler or Tape Measurer
- Acrylic Paint
- Brush


  • Pick your canvas size and word or clipart. Decide more or less how to arrange it. As I said your imagination is the limit. You might need to print one word per paper or use several papers for one word (the Microsoft Word banner format is great for this). Here are some other examples of what you can do. You can use one canvas or a hundred. Everything at this point is up to you. You can even do one like mine that says Beach or Fun with an arrow. 
  • Print and cut your words and arrow so that they fit comfortably in your canvas. This is your trial and error phase. You might have to re-size and re-print several times. Now you have your templates. 
  • Play with your paper templates over your canvas until you are happy with what you see. I measured to make sure everything was centered and looked nice.
  • Turn your template papers around so that the back of the paper where nothing is printed is facing you. Color with a pencil around the outline of your template. If you are from the '80s or '90s you know how to do this. Millennials here is one more thing for you to love from the '90s.

  • Arrange the templates on top of the canvas in the position you would like your words to be and tape them. The printed side should be facing you and the pencil side should be facing the canvas. If you want your canvas to be something other than white, you should paint and wait for it to dry before this step.
  • With a pen or the same pencil trace the outline of the template. If you want perfect straight lines use a ruler. After you are done un-tape one corner of the template and make sure the complete design was transferred. You might have to go over it a few times but in my case once was enough. You should now have a perfect outline in your canvas to paint.

  • Paint your canvas following the outline. It's like a coloring book but with paint. I picked a font that would look ok if I messed up and was really careful with the arrow. This part was super fun. I felt like Picasso, if Picasso was a 5 year old coloring inside the lines. You might need two coats for some colors. If you are using more than one color I recommend you wait until each color dries before moving to the next one. 
You did it! Once again call yourself an artist and, who knows maybe you can sell them for $150.00 too!
If you like Lake decorations com back soon for more and check out these super easy Word Art Frames for your bathroom.
I truly hope you all have a wonderful day and lots of good vibes.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

DIY Mermaid Jewelry Organizer

Look at this DIY mermaid jewelry organizer I made with some nail polish, shells and a bath sponge. Remember last week when I said that I rarely do something 100% original? Well talk about selling myself short because I've been all about original ideas this week. Look at this mermaid I made with some nail polish, shells and a bath sponge.

I've always liked mermaids. It comes from my fascination with everything Sea, nautical and coastal. I've been loving all the new mermaid clothes, decorations and accessories drowning the internet but it is way too hip and young for me to admit I want them (my goth child still lives in me). I decided to keep the Coastal theme on my vanity but go really Glam Sea with it and that's where this beauty was created. I got a chance to get my mermaid on.

The only thing I knew starting this project was that I wanted it to be a mermaid. I had no final product in my mind or a clear idea of what I wanted to do. I just started playing with the materials I had at hand and collected some on my walk home from work (shells).

The hole entire time I was making this I had the Little Mermaid sound track in my head. This DIY is so easy and neat. The color options are endless. I dare you to make this without singing Under the Sea and Part of your World on your head even if you think you don't know them.

You can find a jewelry organizer like the one below on thrift shops, flea markets, yard sales and even dollar stores. The other materials you probably already have or can easily get.


- Mannequin Jewelry Organizer
- Small Shells
- Nail Polish
- Make up Sponge
- Bath Sponge
- Rope or thread
- Scissors
- Painters tape
- Hot glue gun


  • Undress the mannequin. You might have to scrape the glue holding the dress together.
  • Paint the metal part where the jewelry goes. I used a gold sharpie loosely so it looked aged. The gold sharpie did an amazing job at hiding the rust.
  • Try some shells on for size. Find two that look good with each other. This might be harder than it seems, keep in mind each shell is unique you will not find two identical ones. 
    Living on a lake shells seem to appear everywhere.
  • Paint the shells with desired nail polish color. Pearly or metallic nail polish works great because it allows the details of the shells to come through. Acrylic paint was too thick.
    I wasn't sure if my mermaid was a B or C shell cup
  • Draw a tail with a pencil by making a waist and a division of the fins.
  • Color the tail with nail polish or paint. I gave it two coats to make sure you couldn't see where the white and the black met. Wait for the paint to be completely dry.
    First coat of paint. This is where I got really exited because it started to look like a mermaid.
  • While you wait cut a piece of a clean sponge that is about as long as the tail. (I had a new one I bought my husband and he never used). 
  • Cover the outline with painter's tape to protect what will be the skin of the mermaid.
  • Pick a color for your scales. I used a holographic dark purple. Pour some nail polish on a flat surface, like a plastic container, and wet the makeup sponge with it lightly.
  • Place the sponge fabric on the first spot you want to paint. Hold the fabric in place with one hand and dab the paint on with the makeup sponge with the other hand. Repeat this process until you have the entire tail painted. It doesn't have to be perfect. Mine definitely wasn't. Leave it to dry.
  • Place two sea shells on her top and one for her necklace with the glue gun. Do not let any mermaid tell you shells make great bras they are terrible. I'm sure it was a merman who invented it.
     I found a tiny version of Ariel's necklace
  • For some finishing touches make a tiny bow with rope and hot glue it as the bikini string. Do the same with the necklace gluing only where it meets the shell(I used gold rope for this). If you want to add tiny pearls, glitter or anything else this is where you do it. Be creative, make your mermaid unique.
    I went even smaller with the bow
  • Take the painter's tape off and let the mermaid watch over your treasures.
There is a few other mini DIY I made to complete my vanity Sea Glam theme that I'll be covering on another blog post. 
I truly hope you all have a wonderful day and lots of good vibes.